The ESI model
and it's elements

The ESI model includes financial and non-financial elements designed to work together to reduce the risk for firms to invest in energy efficiency and create trust and credibility among key actors.

The model consists of
5 main components:

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Step-by-step guide

Preparation phase
Step 1 Preparation

An energy-efficient technology provider offers a project, with the promised energy savings guaranteed. The ESI elements and each party's responsibilities are described in the simple, standardised contract.


  1. Improved business efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.
  2. Reduced energy bill, downtime and maintenance costs.
  3. Trust in future energy saving with independent validation and insurance coverage.
  4. Facilitated access to green loans with a positive impact on the credit conditions.
  5. Contribution to environmental sustainability with the reduction of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
  1. Improved business efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.
  2. Reduced energy bill, downtime and maintenance costs.
  3. Trust in future energy saving with independent validation and insurance coverage.
  4. Facilitated access to green loans with a positive impact on the credit conditions.
  5. Contribution to environmental sustainability with the reduction of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
  1. Increased credibility through validation of independent technical entity.
  2. Increased sales of energy-efficient equipment with future energy savings covered by insurance.
  3. Differentiation from competitors by offering insured guarantee savings.
  4. Simplified negotiations with the use of standardised contracts.
  1. Increased trust and awareness of the attractiveness of energy efficiency investments.
  2. De-risking of companies investing in energy efficiency
    requesting credit for investment with insured savings
  3. Mobilisation of green credit lines (or new products) to support energy efficiency projects.
  4. Direct and measurable contribution of green loans towards sustainability and emission reductions.
  1. Extending the  existing business line of surety transactions between private sector actors to the energy field, where this product is not frequently used.
  2. Strengthen the relationships with existing technology providers
  3. Contributing to sustainability and the promotion of climate change solutions.
Implement the
model with GoSafe
with ESI

In 2020, the GoSafe with ESI brand was launched and aimed at bringing the ESI model to the market, with the specific purpose of communicating directly to potential users and technology providers interested in offering the solution

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Engineer GoSafe